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Ice Cream Research and Development Executive job at Udders Pte Ltd

7 Buroh Ln, #06-03/04 Commonwealth Capital Building, Singapore 618309 / Boon Lay / West Region
Posted Date: 03 November, 2020

Ad Description

Key responsibilities involve: Conduct market research on food trends Develop ice cream flavors ranging from economical, vegan, alcoholic, healthier choice certifiable and based on clients’ needs Conduct research and development on projects relevant to ice cream Assist production department in troubleshooting of problems related to ice cream and other ad-hoc duties Search and contact suppliers for new ingredients Conduct intern training and provide guidance Foodie: Must love food! Skills and knowledge: Good with Microsoft Excel Prefered if you have Diploma/Advanced Diploma/Higher/Graduate Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree in food science/food technology/relevant background. However, if you don't have the above academic qualifications, but are a pastry chef or are qualified in some other food related field, please feel free to apply. 1-2 years job experience is preferred. However, if you are looking for your first job after completing your studies, please apply too! Job information: Office is located in the west Free shuttlebus provided from Lakeside MRT to office 5-day work week Fun cosy, politics-free working environment

Job Category: Research & Development Jobs

Job Type: Full-Time

Education Level: Not Specified

Company Name: Udders Pte Ltd

EA License Number: 200720778W


West Region


Boon Lay

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Permanent-Full-time Jobs


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