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EduReach Tuition Centre

Blk 201E #01-122 (2nd Level, on top of Red Dot Furniture) Tampines Street 23. Singapore 527201

About Us

Edureachshop is the complete one-stop store for quality education materials and resources for children aged 2 to 18. Based in Singapore and the only complete e-commerce platform for education materials and resources, EduReach is also a publisher and we are proud to display our range of books for children's education.


EduReach Tuition Centre provides below facilities:

  • A/C Room Avilable


EduReach Tuition Centre provides below courses:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Junior Certificate
  • Psle Math Preparatory
  • 'N' & 'O' Level EMath
  • AMath Math Preparatory
  • 'N' & 'O' Level Social Studies Preparatory

Payment Mode

EduReach Tuition Centre acceptable payment modes:

  • Cash
  • Debit/Credit Card
  • Net Banking


East Region




Overview - EduReach Tuition Centre

EduReach Tuition Centre at Blk 201E #01-122 (2nd Level, on top of Red Dot Furniture) Tampines Street 23. Singapore 527201 is a Tuition Points in Tampines. There courses are :- Primary Secondary Junior Certificate Psle Math Preparatory 'N' & 'O' Level EMath AMath Math Preparatory 'N' & 'O' Level Social Studies Preparatory . There facilities are :- A/C Room Avilable , their acceptable payment mode is Cash Debit/Credit Card Net Banking

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Booking time: 0800 - 2000 hrs

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