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10 X Assembly Technician (MNC / Night Shift / Gross Up $2800 / North /Training Prvd)

Admiralty / Woodlands, North

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**Singaporean ONLY** Benefits Summary: ~ Lifescience MNC ~ Salary: $1700 - $2200(basic) + OT = Gross $2500 - $3000 ~ Working location: Woodlands ~ 5 days, 8am – 5.15pm ~ Must be open to night shift(8:00pm - 6.30am) when needed, additional $20/night shift allw ~ Training will be provided! ~ 1-Year Contract / Renewable or Convertible ~ 1 Month Completion Bonus Upon End of Contract Responsibilities: ~ Perform assembly of machines parts ~ Carry out testing activities ~ Diagnose issues on assembly and work on projects to improve maintenance procedure ~ Assist team on production matters ~ Meet production datelines Requirements: ~ NITEC or Diploma in Electrical / Mechanical / Mechatronics / Biomedical Engineering or others equivalent ~ 0-2 years of assembly experience ~ Candidate without relevant experience is welcome to apply as training will be provided!!! ~ Able to start work immediately or within short notice Interested applicants, kindly send in your updated resume to shannon@mci.com.sg By submitting your personal data and/or resume, you give consent to collection, use and disclosure of your personal data and/or resume by the company (or its agent) for the purpose of the processing and administration by company relating to this job application. **We regret to inform that only shortlisted candidates would be notified. ** We wish you all the best in your career search. Teh Yoke Ching (Shannon) Registration Number: R1659477 EA License Number: 06C2859 MCI Career Services Pte Ltd


North Region



Overview - 10 X Assembly Technician (MNC / Night Shift / Gross Up $2800 / North /Training Prvd)

10 X Assembly Technician (MNC / Night Shift / Gross Up $2800 / North /Training Prvd) at Admiralty / Woodlands, North is a Jobs in Simpang.

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Salary: S$ 2500 - 3000

Posted Date:08 June, 2020

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